Retail Trading Analysis
The primary trading area (PTA) covers the closest population to the store and the main customers of the location. This region offers great opportunities for increased market penetration because of proximity and convenience. Within the PTA, competitors are especially important to track and can be disruptive to the market. Our insights into these areas can unlock new value for your retail location, as most customers fall into this category.
The secondary trading area (STA) covers a more spread-out population but can be an often untapped opportunity for retailers. Although the customer base is less dense, these customers can bring in sales if the retailer offers a unique value proposition and if they are properly targeted.
Geographically, SRG also maps key analytics for both primary and secondary trading areas. Our mapping and demographical analyses show population characteristics by zip code, allowing your business to effectively segment and target customers.
Through historical databases, primary trading area, secondary trading area, and geographic analyses, we offer unparalleled insights that enable data-driven decisions.
Our Trading Area Analysis services include:
Historical Market-Share Analyses
50+ years of comprehensive retailer and wholesaler data.
Region-specific market share, sales, and bankruptcy information.
Mapping and Demographics
Analytics by zip code, Primary Trading Area, Secondary Trading Area.
Evaluation of most profitable regions geographically.
Customer segmentation analysis.